handlebars.js is 2.0.0 Security Vulnerabilities CVE-2019-19919, CVE-2021-23369, CVE-2019-20920, and CVE-2015-8861.
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handlebars.js is 2.0.0 Security Vulnerabilities CVE-2019-19919, CVE-2021-23369, CVE-2019-20920, and CVE-2015-8861.


Article ID: 278051


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager


We have discovered that the following libraries have serious vulnerabilities registered against them. 

Handlebars.js is 2.0.0. It is subject to the following CVEs: CVE-2019-19919CVE-2021-23369CVE-2019-20920, and CVE-2015-8861.

When will newer versions of the jar files be available and incorporated into the release?


The version of handlebars.js is set to upgraded in version 15 due out in 2025.

You can still remove them If you are NOT using the nimsm tasks then they can remove this folder(nimsmintegration\api-docs\lib). We suggest taking a backup to some other location and then remove.

Tasks are highlighted in the below screenshot.