Status Report Cost and Effort 'Spent' Metrics not Calculating (CIT and Idea)
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Status Report Cost and Effort 'Spent' Metrics not Calculating (CIT and Idea)


Article ID: 278008


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


SUMMARY:  On the Status Module for IDEAS & CITs Actuals (Cost and Effort ‘SPENT’) are not showing for the widgets and therefore the Balance is not correct. 

Projects show Cost and Effort Metrics fine on the Status Report, but Ideas and CITs do not.




1)  Make sure your CIT or Idea is Financially Enabled

2)  Create a cost plan and a budget plan

    - these can be manual or auto populated

3)  Create a financial transaction (or post a timesheet)

4)  Post transaction to WIP

5)  Run Import Financial Actuals job

6)  Verify that your cost plan and budget plan both show the actuals

7)  Go to Status Module and make sure the Cost and Effort Metrics widgets are on your page


Expected Results:  All 3 fields for each widget show correct values


Actual Results:  The Budget Spent and Effort Spent show as 0 therefore the actual Variance is incorrect.


Workaround:  None


16.1.3 and 16.2


Reported as DE79174


DE79174 was reviewed and determined additional work will be needed.  Therefore a new user story was created to address this as new work.