When trying to perform an import the below error is being thrown in the logs and the import is failing.
ERROR state. Reason: Exception caught during script evaluation. Script 'rcmInvoker', ScriptID=30:WPDS, JobID=27:WPDS, JobRef='Import[Import for universe] - TaskId:17', ProcessRef='BBAggImport', JobRowVersion=2, NodeName='Create Temp Configuration', ProcessNodeUUID=36b00f65-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-60ebb, JobNodeID=91:WPDS, WorkItem=87:WPDS:1, FIFO=28. Exception was: com.workpoint.common.exception.ScriptEngineException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception while creating WS client: serviceClass:com.eurekify.services.BuildingBlockService url:http://hostname:8445/eurekify/services/buildingBlockService?wsdl Error occurred in Statement #1 in Script ID 30:WPDS, Script Name = 'rcmInvoker', Script type = 'Action'. Job ID = 27:WPDS, Process Ref = 'BBAggImport', Node Name = 'Create Temp Configuration', WorkItem = 87:WPDS:1
This issue is caused by either an issue with being able to connect to the wsdl URL or incorrect wsdl URL configuration.
If you are utilizing VAPP the default Non-ssl port is 8082 while SSL utilized 8445. If you are using standalone then you will be responsible for knowing which ports you configured during the installation. Confirm you can connect to the below URL's:
Secure Connections:
Non-Secure Connection:
If the connection attempts fail, you will want to work with your networking team to ensure that the correct ports are open and available.
If all the above connections are successful, the next step is to compare the URL in the error vs the working URL's.
In the above error, you can see that the (Http) value is incorrect and should be HTTPS or that the port should be changed to the non-secure port.
To fix this navigate to:
Home > Administration > Settings > Common Property Settings
Search for buildingBlockService
You will see the buildingBlockService.url.
Port 8445 is the secure port. If you wish to use nonsecure port then change the port from 8445 to 8082.
Once the new values are set within the Common Property Settings, cycle IG to confirm that the settings stick and test again.
Additionally, there is a known issue with imports if you have any stale or offline endpoints, this will cause the import to fail.
Titled Section:
Ignore Non-Imported Failed Endpoints