UIM connector is down and after including the database ci related information on SOI connector side we found spike on system CPU and Memory usage.
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UIM connector is down and after including the database ci related information on SOI connector side we found spike on system CPU and Memory usage.


Article ID: 277982


Updated On:


CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


UIM connector was down initially and after making it up we included the database ci related  information on connector side as below. This result  spike on CPU and memory usages on connector side and make the UIM connector down again.



        <property name="OutboundFromConnectorTypesPolicy" value="NoneButListed" />

                             <property name="OutboundFromConnectorTypes" value="GenericIPDevice,ComputerSystem,HypervisorManager,Switch,MediaDrive,Application,File,Database" />

        <property name="InboundToConnectorTypesPolicy" value="NoneButListed" />

                             <property name="InboundToConnectorTypes" value="Alert" />




catalyst connector 3.4.40
UIM 20.48


All check points was enabled from SQL server probe side which was generating lots of metrics , and the SQL server probe robot machine has device co-relation issue . So ,there was multiple entry for the same machine in UIM DB . So it could be possible that  all Metrices was getting multiplied by total no of machine entry. 


 Followed the below steps


>disabled the SQL server probe 

 >removed  SQL server probe robot machine  from  discovery server probe

>now the machine is re-discover  ,and in device table I can see only one  that is from controller .( earlier it was 4 numbers , from controller and nis cache)

>now from connector side ,SQL  entry added

>Connector re-started , now all it working fine

Suggestion to client


Now client will not enable the SQL server probe , So when they enable it >asked them to use /enable the checkpoint which they want to monitor .

Additional Information

KB Article to follow


1: How do I find the source of a USM/Inventory entry?


2::Remove a device via the discovery_server callback


3:: Queries used by the sqlserver Probe in UIM
