Exchange rate not found for billing currency when copying a cost plan
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Exchange rate not found for billing currency when copying a cost plan


Article ID: 277977


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When copying a plan of record for a cost plan for a specific project, the following error occurs:

'REVMGR-5002: Exchange rate not found for billing currency'

The exchange rates has been defined and exist for the currencies
Some other Cost plans in the same project can be copied correctly without any issues.
The copying error occurs in Classic and also does not work in Modern UX

Steps To Reproduce:

  1. INR is Home Currency (Entity) 
  2. Project Billing Currency is USD. 
  3. Create a Project from Jan 1st 2023 to Dec 31 2023 
  4. Create a Costplan with Jan 1 to Dec 31 Monthly 
  5. Enter both Revenue and Cost, Revenue should start from April and Cost should start from Jan. 
  6. The exchange rates are defined like this.
    1. INR to USD 1/1/23 - 83.3, Multiply 
    2. INR to USD 2/1/23 - 84.4, Multiply 
    3. USD to INR 1/1/23 - 82.2, Divide 
  7. As the current logic first processes Revenue it fetches the exchange rate defined on b. 
    As the exchange rate is available as found in step 7, it doesn't find again the exchange rate for Cost. But the cost curve is from Jan > the exchange rate found which is Feb. which causes it to error with message the exchange rate not found.

Expected Results:  Cost plan should be copied without any issues

Actual Results: Cost plan copy errors with the following when user tries to save the copy 'ERROR REVMGR-5002:Exchange rate not found for billing currency'.



Clarity 16.1.3.




Resolved in Clarity version 16.2.0 patch #1 and 16.2.1.