SUMMARY: When replacing a role/resource with another resource and updating a custom string field at the same time in the details flyout, the custom field will not update and an additional error 'API-1004 : Invalid resource identifier' . The resource/role does get replaced but other fields do not update.
1) Create string attribute called "Notes" on the Team object
2) Navigate to MUX Staffing > Staff (Grid)
3) Add the new string attribute as a field in the details flyout
4) Replace either a Role with a resource, or a resource with one that is not already on the investment. You will want to update the 'Notes' field after replacing the role/resource
- select the current role or resource so they show in the details flyout
- in the details
- select a different resource and
- update the notes field
Expected Results: The message Replacement Successful and no other message
Actual Results: Initial message 'API-1004 : Invalid resource identifier' = nnnnn' then correct message Replacement Successful
Notes field does not update
Workaround: Replace the resource then after the replacement is complete, update the notes.
16.1.3 and 16.2
Reported as DE79147
DE79147 was reviewed and determined it is a product limitation at this time.
The issue may be addressed at a later date, but currently the work around will need to be utilized until the design can be changed.