Gen 8.6 VS 2019 "OPT.VSVERSION contains an unknown value ()"
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Gen 8.6 VS 2019 "OPT.VSVERSION contains an unknown value ()"


Article ID: 277951


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Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset


Trying to use the Gen 8.6 Build Tool with Visual Studio 2019 (VS 2019) and it shows the error:
Compose Failed  *** OPT.VSVERSION contains an unknown value () or the specified Visual Studio compiler is not installed.

Have set the Build Tool (BT) profile token value of OPT.VSVERSION to VS160.


Gen 8.6
Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 


NOTE: The installation of VS 2019 does not create any VS environment variables like previous VS versions.
The Gen 8.6 BT uses a script named callvsvars.scr in the directory "%Gen86%\Gen\bt\scripts" ("C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\Gen\bt\scripts") to find the VS 2019 install location and set everything up.
Only older versions of callvsvars.scr, before the Gen 8.6 VS 2019 support PTFs, contained the message being reported i.e. "OPT.VSVERSION contains an unknown value () or the specified Visual Studio compiler is not installed."
With the VS 2019 Build Tool support PTF, callvsvars.scr was changed and does not include that exact message.

Gen 8.6 Build Tool OPT.VSVERSION for different Visual Studio versions
Per the above KB article, VS 2019 support was originally delivered with a series of *862* PTFs (BTN86201, RTN86208, and TSN86209) but Gen 8.6.3 Consolidation PTF WKS86300/LU06327 supersedes them. That PTF itself has a prereq of Gen 8.6 Complete PTF WKS86200/SO09618.

Installed both WKS86200 and WKS86300 to obtain the VS 2019 support which resolved the problem.

Additional Information

Gen 8.6 Solutions & Patches (NOTE: Support Portal login is required to be able to select any PTF files for download).