Invalid Permissions reported and Capture Summary screen shows no interfaces
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Invalid Permissions reported and Capture Summary screen shows no interfaces


Article ID: 277897


Updated On:


Security Analytics


The admin username and group are used throughout the application and should not be deleted or changed.  If the admin group is deleted or renamed, the system may display "Invalid Permissions" for most operations and potentially there will be no data returned from most reports.


Security Analytics 8.x


This may be caused by the renaming or deleting of the admin user or group. There are other causes to the "Invalid Permissions" message in the top left corner.  For example, a user may be trying to configure users when they do not have that role or they are accessing another feature for which they do not have permission.  

DO NOT MODIFY or delete the admin user or group.


The fix is to reset the admin user and group to the default configuration.  To do this, as root, run the following command from the command line:  

scm solera_acl validate_acl