Identity Governance startup fails with Failed to locate bc-fips library
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Identity Governance startup fails with Failed to locate bc-fips library


Article ID: 277889


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CA Identity Suite


Startup fails with this error:

[WARN] Failed to locate bc-fips-*.jar in tmsWPAdapter.ear
[ERROR] Failed to locate bc-fips library at: "" - skipping WP FIPS configurations


There was a typo in the startup parameters (a double quote was accidentally added to the end of the line in the jvm-args.conf file).


Located in /opt/CA/VirtualAppliance/custom/IdentityGovernance/jvm-args.conf


     -Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.object.disableEndpointIdentification=true"    <-----note the unnecessary quotation mark at the end.


There was a typo in the startup parameters (a double quote was accidentally added to the end of the line in the jvm-args.conf file).




     -Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.object.disableEndpointIdentification=true"    <-----note the unnecessary quotation mark at the end.


The solution was to edit the file and remove the quotation mark so the java option looks like this:

