The documented PUT call to update secret format fails with error - "PAM-CM-0162: Payload id does not match URL id: 0 != 3".
1. The GET call requires the "id" of the secret format be supplied.
2. Generates a valid response as below since "id" of 3 is supplied for secret format request.
3. Now use PUT call to update the secret format. Provide the required "id" as say 3 for secret format and the required body as called in the example below.
4. PUT call to update the secret format fails as shown below.
Supported PAM versions 4.1.x
Parameter "id=#" missing in the body of the PUT Request sent
1. Issue the GET call shown as an example.
2. Successful response from the GET call to be used in PUT request to update the secret format will look like this.
3. Use the GET response above and provide the PUT response to update the secret format as shown in example below. The request body has the "id" specified explicitly.
4. Here is the example for success response for the PUT to update the secret format.