Exception executing policies: Error building data for matching events
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Exception executing policies: Error building data for matching events


Article ID: 277806


Updated On:


CA Identity Portal


A task fails to complete with an error like this:

2023-12-08 11:14:57,523 ERROR [ims.policyxpress.PxStateListener] (Thread-130 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Exception executing policies: Error building data for matching events


This can be caused by missing or corrupted Policy Xpress configuration elements.


If you have a backup of the roles.xml try to import it to restore the Xpress Policy and see if that resolves the error.

If the roles.xml import does not work, or you don't have a backup copy to use, try to manually delete and recreate the PX policy via the user console.

If the problem persists please reach out to Broadcom Support for additional assistance.