Would it be possible to add options the Endevor menus? That would enable users to perform related processing without having to leave the Endevor dialog.
It is not possible to add user-defined options to panels C1SM1100 (environment selection list) nor C1SM1000 (primary options menu).
These panels are dynamically built during execution based on how the user passes the Endevor security checks for the ENVIRONMENT_ACCESS and PRIMARY_OPTIONS security points respectively. Since they are not ISPF menu panels, it is not possible to adjust them.
User options may be added to the 'Endevor user options menu' panel (panelid NDVRUSER). This is a standard ISPF menu panel and therefore may be adjusted to support user-defined options.
Endevor online documentation discusses this possibility in section User Options Menu Facility.
Full documentation about defining ISPF menu panels can be found in section Defining menus in IBM manual z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide and Reference
When adjusting Endevor panels, it is important to note that subsequent maintenance may install new versions of the customized panels. If this happens, the user modifications need to be ported to the new versions of the panels.
Whenever a fix installs a replacement of an Endevor panel, it includes a ++HOLD statement so that SMP/E warns about the situation before installing the fix. This is done by a SMP/E technique known as "holddata". The warning displayed by SMP/E looks like:
| Endevor Software Change Manager Version 19.0 |
|SEQUENCE | Before Apply |
|PURPOSE | This PTF updates PANELS in the CSIQPENU library. |
| | If you have customized the PANEL(S) delivered by this PTF,|
| | you must backup your customized version of the PANEL(S) |
| | before applying this PTF to avoid losing your changes. |
|USERS | All Endevor users. |
|REQUIRED | 2. Endevor Administration |
| | 3. Endevor PANELS |
|ACCESS | No special access is required. |
1. Backup any customized PANELS in CSIQPENU that this PTF supplies.
2. APPLY this PTF.
3. Re-apply your customizations to the updated PANELS in CSIQPENU.