Accesslog would be corrupted when it is disabled while it's uploading.
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Accesslog would be corrupted when it is disabled while it's uploading.


Article ID: 277778


Updated On:


ProxySG Software - SGOS ISG Proxy


Accesslog will not completely be uploaded when Accesslog is disabled while it's uploading.

Start uploading to the FTP server. The upload file size is 15Mbytes.

2023-12-28 15:54:24   "Access Log FTP (main): read_line: response=125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting." 
2023-12-28 15:54:30   "Config admin at ' your user id', access log upload disabled for log main
2023-12-28 15:54:30   "Access Log (main): Upload completed successfully.  Maximum bandwidth used was 902.00 KB/sec." 
2023-12-28 15:54:30   "Access Log (main): Last remote filename: SG_main__xxxxxxx.log.gz size: 5245640 bytes"  

However, Uploaded size is only 5245640 ( 5.2 Mbytes ) out of 15 Mbytes. So the file would be corrupted.


SG will finish uploading and mark as complete when accesslog is disabled while it's uploading.
In this example, bandwidth is 902 KB/ sec. The estimated time taken is 16.6 sec (15,000 KB /902 KB = 16.6), but it actually only 6 seconds have elapsed from the start uploading it.



Please don't use access log upload disable command while it is uploading. Verify to finish uploading and disable it.