Java usage During 17.3 GA Installation
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Java usage During 17.3 GA Installation


Article ID: 277774


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


When installing 17.3 GA, what versions of JAVA are using during the installation


Installation of 17.3 GA


 During installation, the java version laid down by 17.0 - SDM installer will install java 1.8 first and the later it would upgrade java to the latest supported version

CommonInstaller uses the version of java on the DVD in the java folder,

In Service Management 17.3GA it's java 11

The installer installs 17.0 SDM then runs setupmdb with the JAVA version laid down by SDM, in 17.0 it's Java 1.8

Runs pdm_configure  with the JAVA version laid down by SDM, in 17.0 it's Java 1.8

CommonInstaller installs 17.3 and installs Java 11.

Then setupmdb is run as a post install step using the java laid by 17.3 installer, Java 11

It runs pdm_configure as a post install step using the java laid by 17.3 installer, Java 11.

As a rule of thumb, Common Installer uses the java on the DVD and all the tools like setupmdb/pdm_configure or other tools that run in java are using the latest java version installed by common installer on the system.

Additional Information

The Java used in the installation CAN NOT be modified by users.