Do the AA Database elements (like Device DNA) in AA tables persist forever if they are not deleted or updated?
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Do the AA Database elements (like Device DNA) in AA tables persist forever if they are not deleted or updated?


Article ID: 277768


Updated On: 01-08-2024


CA Risk Authentication


Question - What is the persistence age of data in Advanced Authentication? For example, How long does the data like device DNA information remain in the database if not cleaned up? 



All Supported AA versions.


Request For Information (RFI)


Answer - Currently, there is no expiry term that can be configured for data elements in Advanced Authentication tables. The data element will persist until it is cleaned or updated. For the Device DNA information mentioned in the introduction of this article, the same applies. That is, the Device DNA information will persist in the CA Risk Authentication tables until this information is deleted or updated. Currently, AA database elements cannot be configured for time- based expiry or clean up.

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