Silently register Windows agent in Control Compliance Suite
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Silently register Windows agent in Control Compliance Suite


Article ID: 277761


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Control Compliance Suite Standards Server Control Compliance Suite Control Compliance Suite Standards Module


In CCS how do I silently register a Windows agent?


To silently register a Windows CCS Agent or via CLI.

For CLI follow the steps below, for silent you can use the same register command as below.

  1. Open a command prompt (cmd.exe)
  2. Navigate to where the CCS Agent is installed e.g. "cd \Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Enterprise Security Manager\ESM\bin\<platform>"
    Where <platform> would be something like w19s-ix64
  3. Run the register.exe command e.g.
  4. .\register.exe -m manager1.example.example
    Or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Enterprise Security Manager\ESM\bin\w*\register.exe" -m manager1.example.example
  5. As long as the agent can resolve the manager name, and the manager can resolve the agent, the registration will be successful.

Additional Information

usage: register.exe [-rAt[u|Z]vFqGO] [-m manager] [-U user] [-P password]
       [-p port] [-N agentname] [-K filename] [-o agent OS descr]
           [-d domain] [-D agent Description] [-I <Asset IPv4 address>]
  -h  Show usage of registration command.
  -r  Perform full registration (implies -A).
  -A  Create or update an agent record and a registration key for this system.
  -t  Connect to the manager via TCP.
  -u  The agent is updatable, that is, it takes live updates from the manager.
        The 'u' and the 'Z' options are mutually exclusive.
  -Z  The agent is not updatable, that is, it does not take live updates from the manager
        'u' and 'Z' are mutually exclusive.
  -v  Set verbose mode; and log each action as it is performed.
  -F  Log the program finish.
  -q  Use FQDN for local agent name.
  -m  Type one or more manager names separated by commas, or type the path of a file that contains each manager name in a new line.
  -U  Type the ESM access record name.
  -P  Type the ESM access record password.
  -p  Specify the TCP port to use.
  -N  Override default agent name.
  -D  Provide the optional agent description.
  -d  Specify the domain on the manager into which the agent will be inserted.
      (You can specify multiple domains).
  -T  timeout in seconds for unresponsive manager (default 5 minutes)
  -o  Provide the agent OS description
  -K  The name of the token file that will be used to register this agent.
      Must not be used with other options.
  -R  Replace the old agent name with the new agent name.
  -C  Create a new entry of the agent with the new agent name,
      if the specified agent is already registered by using another name.
      The agent with the new name will consume manager license.
      The -R and the -C options are mutually exclusive, and you must use
      the -R and the -C options only in conjunction with the -N option.
 For proxy agent registration: -x agent -X osver [-s subtype]
                               -b bin_subdir [-B register_subdir]
  -e Do a connection test from the ESM manager (that the agent is registering
     to) back to this agent to test the connection between the ESM manager
     and the agent. Do not fail registration even if such connection failed.
  -E Do a connection test from the ESM manager (that the agent is registering
     to) back to this agent to test the connection between the ESM manager
     and the agent. Fail the registration if such connection fails.
     The -E option overwrites -e if both are used together.
  -I <IPv4>, This option requires a preferred IPv4 address that the CCS Manager uses to contact to the asset.
  -G Register for the message based data collection (MBC) capability ONLY.
  -O Register your Linux or Windows agent in offline mode.
     For information about registering an agent in offline mode, refer to the Help.