Vanguard MFA credential delimeters with ACF2
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Vanguard MFA credential delimeters with ACF2


Article ID: 277716


Updated On:


ACF2 - z/OS


Can ">" be used as a credential delimeter with ACF2 and VANGUARD MFA


Only the ACF2 supported characters can be used in logon credentials

The default password character set contains 0-9, A-Z a-z  and special characters #, @ and $ (referred to as national characters).
The PSWDPLST parameter of the GSO PSWD record can be used to specify up to twelve additional special characters that are supported by ACF2.
These characters are the asterisk(*), ampersand(&), not sign(?), colon(:), equal sign(=), hyphen(-), exclamation point(!), period(.), percent sign(%), question mark(?), underscore(_), and vertical line(|).


The "greater than" (>) and "less than" (<) cannot be used as a credential delimeter for VANGUARD MFA with ACF2.