Database stuck in the "Unloading" state
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Database stuck in the "Unloading" state


Article ID: 277713


Updated On:


ISG Proxy


The affected database appears to be in either a hung state or has experienced some form of corruption, hence its inability to load.


To fix the reported issue, stop the Reporter from the SSH, and that should force the database to completely unload. This will ensure all the databases/log sources, including the affected one unloads completely.

Note 1: To not break/corrupt the preference.cfg file, ensure to wait until the Reporter completely stops and returns the "<Reporter> #" mode/prompt.

Start the Reporter again and wait until it's fully started and the databases and log sources and loaded again. If the affected database does not load but is in the "unload" state, attempt to load the database manually, following the guidance in the Tech. Doc. below.

Note 2: Should the affected database still fail to load, the other options would be the below.