After upgrading to 22.2.10, some customers cannot start Java clients.
All clients are using OpenWebStart 1.7 and Oracle JRE 11.0.21. and the majority have no issues to start Java clients but some a jnlp.LaunchException
Fatal: Initialization Error: Could not initialize application. The application has not been initialized, for more information execute javaws from the command line.
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: name can't be null
Spectrum 22.2.10
OpenWebStart 1.7
Oracle JRE 11.0.21.
The OpenWebStart is populating an incorrect Java path on the client pc using lower case j for Java folder.
C:\Program Files (x86)\java
instead of
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java
On the client pc, Open the OpenWebStart settings interface from Start - OpenWebStart - OpenWebStart settings
or run C:\Program Files\OpenWebStart\itw-settings.exe
Choose JVM Manager and "Remove all JVMs"
Choose "Add local..." and browse to the correct location of the JRE 11.x install.
Click on the 3 dots on the right to activate it.
Download the JNLP again and test.
The reason for this is unknown at present but seems to be a problem on OpenWebStart "Find local" functionality. Further testing is needed to verify.
On the OneClick webpage, Home - Install the JRE and Web Start Client, we document the need for OpenWebStart and JRE 11.0.18. The JRE link is is for OpenJDK as seen in the above image but customer can use Oracle Java if the have the correct license.
To run DX NetOps Spectrum OneClick Console you will need to install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 11.0.18 and OpenWebStart version 1.7.0. The OpenWebStart includes the Java Web Start client, which is required to run JNLP applications like DX NetOps Spectrum OneClick Console.
To install the JRE and Web Start Client: