Changes in Highchart Widgets
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Changes in Highchart Widgets


Article ID: 277609


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Following observations have been made in Highchart widgets in version 16.2.0:

  1. Bar Chart needs to display at least 20 characters for labels. It does not do so at the moment
  2. All of the Widget Titles are truncated much more than in the previous releases
  3. The font size of the legend labels is too large and the chart size is smaller to accommodate the larger legend text. The charts should be larger and the legend font smaller - like it was in previous releases
  4. The numbers on the charts all have some kind white shadowing around the black font. This should be removed
  5. The Number Tile font is smaller. This has to be like it was in previous releases.


Version: 16.2.0.




DE78423 is fixed in the following versions:

  • 16.2.1
  • 16.2.0 Patch 1