Looking to find the XCOM installation date on Windows & Linux/AIX platforms but cannot locate the install log.
XCOM for Windows
XCOM for Linux
1a. The XCOM for Windows 11.6 SP02 install log should be in the directory "%XCOM_HOME%\Uninstaller_R116SP02\Logs" and the XCOM for Linux/AIX 11.6 SP01 install log should be in the directory $XCOM_HOME/Uninstaller/Logs.
They would contain the relevant installation date information, but also each install log file has the installation date included in it's actual name e.g.
XCOM for Windows 11.6 SP02: CA_XCOM_Data_Transport__r11.6_SP02_(64-bit)_Install_DATE.log
XCOM for Linux/AIX 11.6 SP01: CA_XCOM_Data_Transport_r11.6_SP01_(64-bit)_Install_DATE.log
where DATE is the actual date.
For Windows and Linux/AIX some installer log files may be in %temp% or /tmp directory respectively but due to the temporary nature of those directories files may have been removed from there since the original installation was done.
That is all per these docs. pages (see "Review the Log Files")
XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows 11.6 Service Packs > Installing and Upgrading > Install in GUI Mode
XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows 11.6 Service Packs > Installing and Upgrading > Install or Upgrade in Silent Mode
XCOM Data Transport for UNIX/Linux 11.6.1 > Installing > Install Using ISO Conventional Method > Install Using Console Mode
XCOM Data Transport for UNIX/Linux 11.6.1 > Installing > Install Using ISO Conventional Method > Install Using Silent Mode > Perform Post-Installation Tasks
b. The installation of a PTF creates a new directory to store its install log file and the original install log file should not be touched by it i.e.
XCOM for Windows 11.6 SP02:
The new directory "%XCOM_HOME%\UninstallPatch_R116SP02\Logs" will contain the install log file CA_XCOM_Data_Transport_Maintenance_r11.6_SP02_(64-bit)_Install_DATE.log.
XCOM for Linux/AIX 11.6 SP01:
The new directory $XCOM_HOME/UninstallPatch/Logs will contain the install log file CA_XCOM_Data_Transport_Maintenance_r11.6_SP01_(64-bit)_Install_DATE.log.
2. If the install log files cannot be located perhaps they have been manually removed.
In that case, there are also the following "registry" files that have installation date information:
a. On Windows for XCOM 11.6 SP02 the file "C:\Program Files\Zero G Registry\.com.zerog.registry.xml" will have a section for:
product name="CA XCOM Data Transport r11.6 SP02 (64-bit)"
Also if any PTFs have been installed it will have a section for:
product name="CA XCOM Data Transport Maintenance r11.6 SP02 (64-bit)"
b. On Linux/AIX for XCOM 11.6 SP01 the file /var/.com.zerog.registry.xml will have a section for:
product name="CA XCOM Data Transport r11.6 SP01 (64-bit)"
Also if any PTFs have been installed it will have a section for:
product name="CA XCOM Data Transport Maintenance r11.6 SP01 (64-bit)"
3. XCOM for Windows installation dates can also be found from "Control Program > Programs > Programs and Features" to get the original Install and Maintenance (PTF) install dates e.g. from a recent 11.6 SP02 install and PTF install:
The Maintenance "Installed On" will show the date of the last PTF install.
For XCOM version r11 0603 SP01 on AIX is it possible to check the date of installation?
XCOM r11 is an old version that reached End Of Service over 9 years ago (October 31, 2014): CA XCOM Data Transport - Various Platforms End of Service Announcement
The install log would also be the way to check the installation date and it would have this form CA_XCOM_Data_Transport_Install_DATE.log.
For that old version, XCOM was by default installed into the directory /usr/spool/xcom. The file "/var/.com.zerog.registry.xml" was not used/created.