Custom Jaspersoft Content Backup Best Practices
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Custom Jaspersoft Content Backup Best Practices


Article ID: 277598


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


You have custom reports, domains, or other Jaspersoft objects that are created by your developers. What are the best practices for custom content during upgrade?


  • Broadcom Support recommends to have a backup of your custom content at all times.
  • A fresh backup of the custom content must be taken before each upgrade for Jaspersoft upgrade and Clarity
  • The backup ZIP file must only contain the custom content and not any of the OOTB content
  • You can save this backup locally and share with your company's file sharing application
  • It can be used if you do a new Jaspersoft install of a new version and then importing your content
  • It can also be used to replace missing/corrupt content
  • To do a backup:
    1. Go to Clarity - Advanced Reporting - View - Repository
    2. Select the folder with the custom content (Important - do not export the OOTB content, just the custom content)
    3. Right-click - Select Export - Legacy Key - Save as ZIP file
    4. The ZIP file can be saved on your PC. It's recommended to use your typical file share to save this backup
  • To import the backup again:
    1. Connect to Jaspersoft Console as superuser
    2. Go to Manage - Server Settings
    3. Select Import - Select Legacy Key
    4. Choose File to select the ZIP file - Import as Legacy & Update if need to override existing file
    5. Uncheck Include server Settings
    6. Uncheck any values that are not needed
    7. Click Import


As best practice, always keep the custom reports, ad hoc views and domains in a separate folder from the OOTB content, clearly marked as custom content and outside the CA PPM directory