Restricted users do not see audit info
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Restricted users do not see audit info


Article ID: 277587


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Restricted Clarity Users are not able to see Audit info even after having both "Audit Trail - Access" and "Audit Trail - View - All" Access Rights.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Login to Clarity PPM Classic UI.
  2. Create a new User.
  3. Grant the following Global rights.
    • Audit Trail - Access
    • Audit Trail - View - All
    • Project - Create and Create from Template
    • Project - View Management - All
    • Project Management - Tiles Navigate
    • Project Management - Navigate
    • Projects - Navigate
  4. Navigate to Administration -> Objects -> Project, enable audit for few attributes.
  5. Navigate to Modern UX -> Create a new Blueprint for Project and add the Audit Module to this blueprint.
  6. Configure two to three projects with this new blueprint.
  7. Login as restricted user and try accessing Audit tab on The projects associated with the blueprint from step 6.

Expected Results: Audit Trail data is shown

Actual Results: Blank page with error "API-1007 : You are not authorized to process request. Contact your system administrator for necessary security rights."


Version: 16.2.0




DE78759 is fixed in:

  • 16.2.1
  • 16.2.0 Patch 1

Workaround: Providing the "Administration - Audit - Navigate" and "Administration - Navigate" right resolves the issue but these would convert the restricted user to a Full license type