Hierarchies Tasks module filtering
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Hierarchies Tasks module filtering


Article ID: 277547


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


In Modern UX Investment Hierarchies you can add the Tasks module and filter across.

However, when filtering on the Tasks module only Common Investment and Tasks are selectable objects.

Our users would like to filter tasks by the Project Type field.

Is this possible?


Clarity 16.X


When the Hierarchy is an Investment Hierarchym then only Common Investment fields are available at filters.
You can additionally add modules like Tasks, Staff, Risk, and Issues ... 
If you filter on the Tasks module, the Task object attributes will also be aggregated.
If you filter on the Issues module, you will also get the Issue object attributes as selectable.
Same with the rest of the objects.
In short, the project object fields are not selectable in filters.
However, you might create a virtual field at the task object mapping the parent project object Project type field
Here is what you can do.

  • Go to Classic > Studio > Objects > Task object
  • Go to the Attributes tab
  • Click on New Virtual
  • As Master Object select Project and find the Project Type field
  • This will map the task object attribute where the referenced field is the Project Type.
  • Enable the field for MUX by adding an API Attribute ID.
  • Go to the Hierarchies task module and your newly created field will be there so you cna filter tasks that belong to a given project type