We have disabled an APM alert few days back. We are still getting OI notifications for this alert. There are policy and notification in place for these type of APM alerts, but this specific alert is disabled.
It looks like there are still open OI alarms due to which the OI is sending notifications.
If the alerting is disabled from APM side, the new alarms should not be generated.
However, the existing alarms in OI can be updated like correlated exteranlid updates etc.
APM is only disabling an alert policy but the open Alarms continue to exist. Therefore if the status of the alarm is changed or property of the alarm is changed by APM then the alarm is updated. If you have an Alarm Policy in OI platform to notify on any alarm update then this will result in an update to the channels configured. Fundamentally these are different systems. If you continue to have open alarms and you should process those in accordance with your alarm management practice.
So, this is summary for workaround.
If there are open OI alarms which links to an APM alert (the APM alert that has been disabled on the APM side), the OI alarms will continue to get updates from the APM side. In this case, the best would be to close the open OI alarms.
There has been an enhancement opened to have the following functionality in place.
to clear the OI alarms (which are associated with an APM alert) when the APM alert is disabled.