While using the SAML authentication system, how does it affect if a user is in both the administrators group and the users group? Does it take the lower permission out of both?
On the documentation here:
Manage SAML Users
It states that I should not put the roles of tenant administrator and power user for the same user. However, does it happens the same with the tenant administrator and the user role?
Does it work the same way for user and tenant admin?
The rule is, if the user's groups contain matches for both Tenant Admin and Power User, then the user's role will be the higher-precedence role, in this case, Tenant Admin.
This will work the same for User and TenantAdmin.
Note that a login will only be a Tenant Admin user if all the user's groups match for Tenant Admin role, not just one or some - must be all. If all the user's groups match for User, Power User, and Tenant Admin roles, then they will be delegated as the highest precedence (Tenant Admin in this case).
The documentation will be corrected.