Protection Engine console 9.x - Invalid Credentials using AD integrated authentication
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Protection Engine console 9.x - Invalid Credentials using AD integrated authentication


Article ID: 277521


Updated On:


Protection Engine for Cloud Services


When attempting to use the 9.x Protection Engine (SPE) console with Active Directory (AD) authentication getting an error logging in- “invalid credentials”

2023-11-29 13:01:59,623 [1] INFO  Symantec.Cmaf.UI.FormSMSUI - main started..
2023-11-29 13:02:10,389 [1] INFO  Symantec.Cmaf.Security.AuthManager - Successfully read the ldap information from the registry
2023-11-29 13:02:10,389 [1] INFO  Symantec.Cmaf.Security.LdapAuthManager - Successfully read the ldap group name from the registry.
2023-11-29 13:02:10,405 [1] INFO  Symantec.Cmaf.Security.LdapAuthManager - user domain name: <domain name>
2023-11-29 13:02:10,405 [1] INFO  Symantec.Cmaf.Security.LdapAuthManager - group domain name: <domain name>
2023-11-29 13:02:10,483 [1] ERROR Symantec.Cmaf.Security.LdapAuthManager - The server cannot handle directory requests.
2023-11-29 13:02:10,483 [1] ERROR Symantec.Cmaf.Security.LdapAuthManager - Failed to get Ldap user
2023-11-29 13:02:10,483 [1] INFO  Symantec.Cmaf.Security.AuthManager - Successfully validated the credentials for the user name: <username>
2023-11-29 13:03:48,659 [1] ERROR Symantec.Cmaf.UI.FormSMSUI - Exception Message:Invalid login credentials
2023-11-29 13:03:51,164 [1] INFO  Symantec.Cmaf.UI.FormSMSUI - Symantec Cmaf Common UI Closing....


Symantec Protection Engine Console


This is a known issue.


Download the attached DLL to the system the SPE console is installed.

Instructions to implement: 

  1. Copy hotfix “Symantec.Cmaf.Security.dll” to the SPE console server at any temp location.
  2. Go to console’s Install location>\bin [ Default location - C:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine Console\CMaF\bin]
  3. Backup the original file 'Symantec.Cmaf.Security.dll’ and copy the new DLL to the bin folder.

This should resolve the issue.


Symantec.Cmaf.Security.dll get_app