PacketCaptureMain - Caught exception: NT_Init failed: Error: NT Service is not started.
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PacketCaptureMain - Caught exception: NT_Init failed: Error: NT Service is not started.


Article ID: 277486


Updated On: 12-27-2023


Data Loss Prevention Data Loss Prevention Network Monitor


You deployed a new DLP Network Monitor with Napatech Card. But, at some point, the Network Monitor server starts to show as "Unknown" and cannot start PacketCapture. 

In PacketCapture.log, you might see the error below:

File: Network_Monitor_Shea_12\logs\debug\PacketCapture.log.5
Date: 11/6/2023 8:54:12 AM
Thread: 00003054
Level: ERROR
Source: main.cpp(118)
Message: PacketCaptureMain - Caught exception: NT_Init failed: Error: NT Service is not started.


DLP Release: 16.x


Running Wireshark on Network Monitor found that Enforce was reaching Network Monitor server, but the Network Monitor could not reach Enforce.

The Network Monitor server was listening to port 8100 rightly but it was assigned to a wrong IP Address.



Run nestat -a- n -o on the Network Monitor and the Enforce Server to confirm both servers are listening to port 8100 and that the Network Monitor is assigned to a correct IP Address.