Business rules that disable boolean field editions do not work in the MUX Timeline view
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Business rules that disable boolean field editions do not work in the MUX Timeline view


Article ID: 277479


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


1. Go to MUX > Administration
2. Go to a project Blueprint > Rules
3. Create 2 rules:
   a. Rule: Disable % Complete
   Rule Type: View Page
   Conditions: If Sponsor Is Empty
   Actions: Disable Editing Attributes > Disable Selected > % Complete
   b. Rule: Disable Is Active
   Rule Type: View Page
   Conditions: If Sponsor Is Empty
   Actions: Disable Editing Attributes > Disable Selected > Active
4. Associate a project to the above blueprint
5. Populate the Sponsor field for the project
   Notice the % Complete and Active fields are editable on the Grid view and its Details
   Notice the % Complete and Active fields are editable on the Board view and its Details
   Notice the % Complete and Active fields are editable on the Timeline view and its Details
6. Blank out the Sponsor field for the project
   Notice the % Complete and Active fields are not editable on the Grid view and its Details
   Notice the % Complete and Active fields are not editable on the Board view and its Details
   Notice the % Complete is not editable BUT the Active field is editable on the Timeline view 
Expected Results: Rules to be applied to all kind of fields on all views
Actual results: Rules to avoid edition of boolean fields do not work on the Timeline view




This is caused by DE78975


This is targeted to be fixed in 16.2.1