The JOBNAME of the WTO-issued JOB is displayed using &ZMSGJOBNM in SOLVE:Operations.
Is it possible for OPSMVS to display the JOBNAME of the JOB that issued the WTO using the ADDRESS WTO in )MSG rules?
OS : z/OS
Product : OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation
Release : All
Component : OPSMVS
The JOBNAME of the JOB that issued the WTO is stored in msg.jobname for AOF Variables.
It can be used in the ADDRESS WTO for )MSG rules.
The following example shows msg.jobname specified in the ADDRESS WTO in the )MSG Rule .
)MSG xxxxxxxx
"TEXT('**JOBNAME* "msg.jobname" ') "
"TEXT('**JOBNM*** "msg.jobnm" ') "
"TEXT('**JOBNID** "msg.jobid" ') "
say 'Jobname : ' msg.jobname
say 'Jobnm : ' msg.jobnm
say 'Jobid : ' msg.jobid