Error ' Enumerating all of the users - BVNTProcessQuery ObjectTypeAccount Processing machine scope - The handle is invalid' when running a CCS CER job
CCS 12.6.X
This error can occur when checks in standard requires that the CCS manager to query a domain controller for user and group information that is geographically far away from the manager, and the API call that the manager uses times out or has network latency getting the required user information.
For enumerating the users and groups the manager with the data collector role does multiple call to Active Directory and after processing a few thousand of users, somewhere between the execution, the API gets timed out resulting in the error.
It is recommended deploying an additional CCS manager with the data collection role for these networks to reduce the network latency when gathering information on the users from the remote domain controllers.
NOTE: In SCU 2024-1 (estimated to be released mid July 2024) will have some checks modified for better performance, so this error is less likely to be encountered.