CCS agent failing to install with Microsoft error 1603
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CCS agent failing to install with Microsoft error 1603


Article ID: 277461


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Control Compliance Suite Control Compliance Suite Standards Module Control Compliance Suite Standards Server


When installing a CCS agent on a Windows server, the installation fails with error 1603


CCS 12.6.X


 The 1603 error is a generic error from Microsoft, so you will need to narrow down what might be causing the problem.  See the following possible resolutions below.

  1. Verify that there is no previous version of the CCS agent on this system.  If there is, uninstall the previous agent and then reinstall the agent using the out-of-the-box Broadcom agent install media
  2. Double-check that the user you are logged into the server has local administrator privileges as the CCS agent runs as SYSTEM, and so the CCS agent requires the be installed using Administrator.
  3. The error 1603 might also occur on a computer system that does not have enough disk space to install the setup and store rollback files. This space is required on the root drive even if the setup may be installed on a different drive. Check that there is enough space on the root drive of the computer system. This space is required by setup to decompress files in the temp directory and store rollback information in the Windows directory of the computer.
  4. Temporarily disable UAC on the server to install the Agent.
  5. Make sure the drive or folder location is not encrypted.