Sdgtw probe not populating custom fields with incident info on spectrumgtw alarms
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Sdgtw probe not populating custom fields with incident info on spectrumgtw alarms


Article ID: 277400


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Problem: Unable to populate incident information in alarms generated by spectrumgtw probe after opening in service now. Regular alarms not going through the spectrumgtwy probe works just fine.

Associated error in sdgtwy log:

Jul 25 09:26:48:872 [pool-37-thread-1, sdgtw] assignValueToCustomField
Jul 25 09:26:48:942 [pool-37-thread-1, sdgtw] Error while connecting AlarmService API  Reason: com.example..kryo.util.DefaultInstantiatorStrategy cannot be cast to com.xxxxx.XXX.Kryo$DefaultInstantiatorStrategy ST:
Jul 25 09:26:49:058 [pool-37-thread-1, sdgtw] Value [IN PROGRESS$ServiceNow] assign to custom field [custom_4] for alarm ID[--------------]


UIM 20.4 cu6

Probe sdgtwy 2.31, 2.32


A new sdgtwy version 2.34 GA release fixed this issue