Using Gen 8.6 CSE and have generated RI Triggers CASCADE.rmt file for Gen Java server EJBs.
Wne using the Build Tool on own laptop the build of the CASCADE.rmt is successful.
However when using the Build Tool on the CSE server the build of the CASCADE.rmt fails with:
[javac] ...\ error: package does not exist
[javac] import*;
[javac] ^
[javac]...\ error: package does not exist
[javac] import*;
[javac] ^
[javac] ...\ error: package does not exist
[javac] import*;
[javac] ^
[javac] ...\ error: package does not exist
[javac] import*;
Gen Java server EJB generation and build.
PTF level: Gen 8.6.3 (WKS86300)
The CASCADE.XML file created during the CASCADE (RI Trigger) build adds a classpath entry for each of these 4 Java runtime jar files which should exist in the directory "%Gen86%\Gen\classes":
A directory listing of "%Gen86%\Gen\classes" from the CSE server showed that only 3 of those files are present and the file abrt.jar is missing.
It seems that during the initial Gen 8.6 install a relevant option was missed being selected and that is why the abrt.jar is missing.
After running some Gen 8.6 installer tests using the Custom option Support found that the "Enterprise JavaBeans" option will install files including the following which are all missing from "%Gen86%\Gen\classes":
To check if the "Enterprise JavaBeans" option is installed:
Under "Control Panel > Programs and Features", right mouse click on "CA Gen 8.6" and use the Change option. Then after the Welcome dialog, on the Product Maintenance dialog, use the Modify option. "Enterprise JavaBeans" is near the bottom of the list.
However, enabling the "Enterprise JavaBeans" option now might inadvertently update other existing files (that are common to other options) to their original GA version i.e. overwrite the file updates from PTF WKS86300.
Therefore the safest method is to just manually copy the files from WKS86300. That PTF just updates 3 of the 4 files i.e. abrt.jar, ejbrt.jar, wsrouter.jar.
To do that, from a temporary directory unzip the PTF file WKS86300.exe, then unzip the resulting WKS86300Z.exe and finally unzip the resulting WKS86300A.exe. From WKS86300A the 3 files abrt.jar, ejbrt.jar, wsrouter.jar will be under "Gen\classes" and can be copied to "%Gen86%\Gen\classes".
The 4th file router.wsdl has not changed since Gen 8.6 GA and can be copied from any existing Gen 8.6 installation e.g. own laptop.