Testing Connectivity to the CA Content Server (ACME) server for signature and content updates
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Testing Connectivity to the CA Content Server (ACME) server for signature and content updates


Article ID: 27736


Updated On:


CA Client Automation


How do I test port connectivity to the CA Content Server (contentupdate.broadcom.com)
for CA Client Automation and CA Patch Manager?


Client Automation - All versions


The following is valid for proxy and non-proxy testing equally.
To test that the ports are open correctly, click on the following links.

Port 5250:




Port 443:



If the port is open, you will get the following result:


Internet Explorer

Google Chrome

Note: CA Patch Manager also needs Internet access to third-party Websites in order to download the required patches. Ex: http://download.microsoft.com/

Additional Information

CA Client Automation content download can be configured to use port 443 or 5250, so access needs to be verified for either port 5250 or 443 depending on your configuration.

If no Internet Proxy Server (IPS) is present, the port need to be opened between the Domain Manager (DM) and the content server directly.

If an Internet Proxy Server (IPS) is present, the DM would communicate with the IPS via
the standard internet port (80 / 8080 typically).