Looking for a quick way to gather response times of various endpoints after some performance tests were completed.
Does Broadcom recommend any other solution?
Gateway 10.X 11.X
The dashboard a good starting point to review end-points and response times
Response times for each endpoint can be logged in SSG_DB or the audit DB using the Audit Detail Assertions
Link how to track latency
Context variables related to track time taken:
assertion.latency.ms - placed after any assertions to see how long it took
request.elapsedTime - place at the end of a service or in a Global message complete policy equals total time service took
service.resolutionUri - context variable to log the resolved URI
service.name - context variable to log service name
httpRouting.latency - context variable to log latency fo the router assertions
Another good method when performance is isolated is to audit log before and after assertions
Audit Detail assertion:
Policy#: ${assertion.numberstr}; assertion.latency=${assertion.latency.ms}; elapsedTime=${request.elapsedTime}; Policyname ${policy.name}; ServiceName ${service.name}; Service URl ${service.resolutionUri}
ASSERTIONS under question
Audit Detail assertion:
Policy#: ${assertion.numberstr}; assertion.lat=${assertion.latency.ms}; ElapsedTime=${request.elapsedTime}; GatewayTime: ${request.time}