Is there a CA APM SNMP MIB file for SNMP managers/listeners can use to interpret the alert trap messages?
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Is there a CA APM SNMP MIB file for SNMP managers/listeners can use to interpret the alert trap messages?


Article ID: 277306


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CA Application Performance Management (APM / Wily / Introscope) CA Application Performance Management Agent (APM / Wily / Introscope)


 The Enterprise Manager sends SNMP traps to configured SNMP managers/listeners. This happens when alerts are triggered and an SNMP alert action is configured.

 SNMP traps use fixed unique Object IDs (OID) and these are translated with the SNMP OID prefix of "c."

 e.g. TimestampOID (Alert triggered time) has OID=1 and translates to when the SNMP Trap is received


This is discussed in CA Application Performance Management - 10.8 doc. Please see Configure the SNMP Adapter


APM 10.x


 At this stage, there is no "out of the box" MIB file for the CA APM SNMP traps. So, users create typically their own MIB based on the list of OIDs provided in the CA Application Performance Management - 10.8 doc.


 APM-ALERT-SMI1-MIB.TXT is a sample MIB file for reference which will need to be customized according to what is included in the EM's SNMP Traps.

 For instance, OIDs 21 - 24 are only generated if the Triage map alerts are used, and OID 25 is the EM Host OID which should be present at all times.

 Currently there is only one Trap Type (=1) for all the traps generated.
