I am unable to open the configuration for ntevl probe.
Dec 15 12:57:15:361 [61632] ntevl: ****************[ Starting ]****************
Dec 15 12:57:15:361 [61632] ntevl: * Windows NT event log watcher 4.33
Dec 15 12:57:15:361 [61632] ntevl: * Nimsoft Corporation
Dec 15 12:57:16:204 [61632] ntevl: openMeteDataSavetoHash:EvtOpenPublisherMetadata failed 1813
Dec 15 12:57:16:251 [61632] ntevl: openMeteDataSavetoHash:EvtOpenPublisherMetadata failed 2
Server team uninstalled all old versions of Microsoft Visual Studios which the probes rely on.
installed vs2017_vcrestist_x* from archive resolved issue.