Rally Deep Export application does not properly export data to columns
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Rally Deep Export application does not properly export data to columns


Article ID: 277250


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


When using the Custom list with Deep Export app, and looking at User stories and Tasks, we are pulling the following columns of data:

Schedule State
Accepted Date
Created By

When the data exports, it splits the owner name into the next column for some rows. For example:

Owner Iteration
Lastname  Firstname
Lastname, Firstname Iteration 121



It seems that this may be an Excel Cell overflow issue. I found this online:

Excel character limits for cells 
The total number of characters that a cell can contain is 32,767. A cell can only display 1,024 characters.

Notes from triage: 

  • If there is a really large Description (Total Characters (with spaces) 2764) in the User Story or Task and the Description field column is the column right before the Owner column, then part of the Owner Name is "pushed" to the next cell. It's like the Description field overruns into the next Excel cell and does the same with the Owner Name.
  • If that same Description column is moved to the far right column on the Deep Copy page then the issue goes away.
  • In the files attached to the case, the names that are "pushed" to the next cell have large Descriptions.


To fix this - move the Description column to the far right column or remove it completely from the columns on the page.