Expiration date with license ca.olf
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Expiration date with license ca.olf


Article ID: 277204


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Easytrieve Report Generator


Does the ca.olf file (license) have multiple levels of expiration and warning dates, like the LMP key?

Also, is there a command or utility program to check it?


OS : Windows

Product : Easytrieve Report Generator for Windows

Component : EZTRVW

Release : r11.6


The expiration date is listed in the license information in the ca.olf file, but does not include multiple expiration dates or warning dates, as is the case for the LMP key used with z/OS products.
There are also currently no commands or utility programs to check expiration dates or warning dates.


<Reference: Contents of the ca.olf file (excerpt image)>

FEATURE CA_LICENSE xxx_xxx_x 1.000 dd-mmm-yyyy n xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "ANY xxxx[nnnn]" ANY nnnnnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  #
FEATURE CA_LICENSE xxx_xxx_x 1.000 dd-mmm-yyyy n xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "ANY xxxx[nnnn]" ANY nnnnnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  #
FEATURE CA_LICENSE xxx_xxx_x 1.000 dd-mmm-yyyy n xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "ANY xxxx[nnnn]" ANY nnnnnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  #