After upgrade 2E 8.0-->8.7-->8.7.3, we find that conditional attributes specified in the screen design are not generating the required code in COBOL program, and the there is no corresponding Indicator attributes are set in DSPF source. We notice that the screen is very crowded. What we would need to do to recover?
2E 8.7.3 version
As per 2E design, for busy screens with several fields with F18 non-display, there is a chance of running out of indicators. 2E has a limit of 48 indicators per screen(IBMi also has only 99 indicators, and 2E uses most of the indicators for other purposes, like 99 for error and only the remaining 48 indicators for conditional attributes and reverse image indicators.). To recover, you can change CHGDTAARA YINDPTYSYA from *ERRIND to *ATRIND and gen and recompile. Change back afterwards.