Adjust disabled state through TEWS calls.
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Adjust disabled state through TEWS calls.


Article ID: 277120


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager


We would like to update the disabled state through TEWS calls, but passing a value for Disabled State does not update that value in the users account. 


Identity Manager


Disabled State is dynamically set and is an aggregate of other attributes such as |enabled| and 'password must change' and should not be updated directly. 


To adjust the Disabled State we should be updating the |enabled| attribute.  If your intention is to enable or disable a user from TEWS then the call should be to update


True is enabled 
False is disabled. 

Some examples: 

The following creates a user as disabled, with a disabled state of 1 (admin disabled), even though a disabled state of 0 (enabled) is passed into TEWS:

        <CreateUser xmlns="http://tews6/wsdl">



If you want to force a user to change their password on login:

        <CreateUser xmlns="http://tews6/wsdl">

This will create a user with a  disabled state of 16777216 (Enabled, Password Must Change)

Additional Information

The above describes a create or modify user type of action.    If the only change is to enable or disable a user there is a specific Enable/Disable task that could be used instead of a full user modify.