How to address HSTS Vulnerability in Visualizer instance.
In web.xml file under C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Service Desk Manager\bopcfg\www\CATALINA_BASE_VIZ\webapps\CMDBVisualizer\WEB-INF
uncomment the filter shown below, and add the following init-param entry.
After adding this filter and restarting SDM services, we can see HSTS header in the response.
In web.xml file under C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Service Desk Manager\bopcfg\www\CATALINA_BASE_VIZ\webapps\CMDBVisualizer\WEB-INF uncomment the filter shown below:
add the following init-param entry.
After adding this filter and restarting SDM services, we can see HSTS header in the response: