Client found that the odbc/install script failed due to the fact the Oracle install client has slightly different installed file structure. Basically the \lib and \bin directories are not present and their files now are directly under Oracle_Home. Oracle install client version is v19
SCM 14.5
Please check out these steps, especially step7 where you would need to create symbolic links
1. Download the InstantClient modules:
- Basic
- Jdbc
- Odbc
- Sdk
- Sqlplus
2. Copy all these zip files to the folder you want to become the Oracle Home folder ($ORACLE_HOME). Make the SCM user the owner of this folder.
3. Unzip the files.
4. Inside your Oracle Home folder create a network folder ($ORACLE_HOME/network) and a network/admin folder ($ORACLE_HOME/network/admin)
5. Copy or create the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file that will contain connection information to your Harvest database.
6. Set permissions on this file so that it's world-readable (chmod 755 ...)
7. Create symbolic links:
(ex: ln -s $ORACLE_HOME bin)
(ex: ln -s $ORACLE_HOME lib) (or whatever the latest version of libclnt is) ->
(ex: ln -s
8. Set environment variables in SCM user owner's profile:
ORACLE_HOME=<InstantClient installation folder>
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH (for operating systems that have this)
LIBPATH=$ORACLE_HOME:$LIBPATH (for operating systems that have this)
9. After sourcing the profile, check to be sure you can connect to the Harvest database with
sqlplus userid/password@service