Steps to Reproduce:
- Login to a 16.2 system
- Open Classic UI > Administration > Studio > Objects > Project
- Project > Attributes > Attribute Name = Department OBS and filter
- Make sure that the API Attribute ID is set i.e. Open Department OBS properties and you can see that API Attribute ID is set to obs_odf_obs_fin_dept
- Go to MUX > Staffing > Allocation by Investment> +Filter Department OBS and select some department. This will result in below error. It doesn’t matter if attribute is custom or Out of the Box. It happens for any attribute of Project and Idea
Expected Results: The filtering should be done without any error shown on the UI
Actual Results: It looks like the filtering is happening, but error in toast is shown on the UI
Error Message:
API-1005 : Attribute(s) 'projects____obs_department' specified in query parameters are not supported or secured.