Which features does the "View Policies" permission in a role configuration allow to use
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Which features does the "View Policies" permission in a role configuration allow to use


Article ID: 277042


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Data Loss Prevention Core Package


You are configuring a role and you only want to grant specific users the "View Policies" permission available in the Policy Management tab of the role configuration. This article describes what features exactly are available to users assigned to such a role. 


DLP 15.8 or higher.


The "View Policies" permission allows to view the policies in two ways.

1. When reviewing an incident a user with such permission will be allowed to use the "view policy" button, which when clicked, will display a summary of the policies with it's rules, exceptions and response rules. This is the main purpose of the "View Policies" permission.

When the button is clicked a new window will be displayed:

2. Alternatively a user with the "View Policies" permission can download a summary of the policy from the Policy List feature of the Enforce Console. This is accessed by navigating to Manage -> Policies -> Policy List. To download a summary of the policy the user will need to mark the checkbox on the left hand side of the policy and use the "Download Details". This will trigger a download of a ZIP file which will contain an HTML file with the policy details.

The HTML file can be then opened in a web browser of preference:


Lastly, what is important to note is that the "View Policies" permission does not allow to click on the policies in the Policy List. This feature is reserved for authoring and editing policies and it does not have a read-only functionality.