Configuration saved successfully but could not publish configuration to the following host
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Configuration saved successfully but could not publish configuration to the following host


Article ID: 276977


Updated On:


Messaging Gateway


You have updated a configuration on the Messaging Gateway and saved it. The result is a red error message that states:

configuration saved successfully but could not publish configuration to the following host - 

Followed by a list of scanners and guidance to check the Control Center logs for more details.


This error can occur when the Control Center cannot communicate with the Scanners listed in the error. This is often caused by either a problematic state of the Scanner's Agent service, or potentially due to a network issue between the Control Center and the Scanner.


For information on restarting the Scanner's Agent service related to this issue, please see the following article:

"Cannot find an Agent that is running" error in Messaging Gateway

If the issue persists, it may be a network issue. Work with your network team to validate that the Control Center can communicate with the listed Scanners on port 41002.