Are additional databases instances supported within the same UIM Database Schema?
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Are additional databases instances supported within the same UIM Database Schema?


Article ID: 276966


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


Is it possible to mount a new database instance within the same UIM database schema or do they have to be separate database instances?


  • DX UIM 20.4


  • Guidance


A dedicated database is ideal instead of a shared instance, but it is quite common to use shared instances and we have many customers who use shared database instances for UIM and their other databases. It is fully supported to configure separate or distinct database instances for DX UIM and BigFix databases on the same database server.
Additional databases within the DX UIM Schema (database) is a configuration that is NOT supported. We do support multiple database instances as long as it adheres to the documented requirements (as noted and links provided), and it must also have enough computing resources. Then it should be fine to set up separate instances for both the DX UIM database and BigFix.

Additional Information

Una base de datos dedicada es ideal en lugar de una instancia compartida, pero es bastante comĂșn usar instancias compartidas y tenemos muchos clientes que usan instancias de bases de datos compartidas para UIM y sus otras bases de datos. Es totalmente compatible para configurar instancias de bases de datos independientes o distintas para bases de datos DX UIM y BigFix en el mismo servidor de bases de datos.