Question Agent Introscope Harvest
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Question Agent Introscope Harvest


Article ID: 276909


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CA Application Performance Management (APM / Wily / Introscope)


With an Introscope version 10.8 cluster, and  an Introscope agent (version 10.7) on Weblogic Server, we have CPU consumption on Weblogic Server at regular intervals (10am, 11am, etc.)
A stack trace during consumption shows an agent task (com.wily.introscope.agent.connection.IsengardServerConnectionManager.harvest

Do you think there is a link? Is there a regular harvest task on the Introscope agent?

Is there an option to deactivate it?


The Isengard Server Connection is the communication piece between the Agent and the Enterprise Manager. So if you were to deactivate it, then the Agent would not be sending metrics over to the EM.

As 10.7 is fast approaching End Of Service on 12/31/2023, it would be best to upgrade the Agent to 10.8 as soon as possible.

As for CPU consumption on a regular interval, it could be a few things. Garbage Collection on the Weblogic application, an antivirus scan on the server itself or some other process of some other program on the server as well.