Is there a way to setup to run some pre-process and post-process programs during the promotion of objects with PTC Implementer?
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Is there a way to setup to run some pre-process and post-process programs during the promotion of objects with PTC Implementer?


Article ID: 276894


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When CA 2E is integrated with PTC Implementer,  is there a way to setup to run some pre-process and post-process programs during the promotion of objects?


CA 2E 8.7.x

PTC Implementer 12.x


There are various exit points in Implementer where you can setup special commands to perform actions.

Special commands can be for:

  • Specific promotion request:
    • From Create Request panel, take option F17=Special Commands
    • Will see Work with Request Special Commands panel
  • Specific environment
    • Option 42 Work with Environments, then option 19=Special Commands on environment
    • Follow steps below
  • Global
    • Option 42 Work with Environments, then F10=*All Spec Cmds
    • Follow steps 3 below
  • Checkout
    • Follow special commands for specific environment or global instructions



1. To create new special command, take F6=Create
2. To change existing command, take option 2=Change
3. Environment of *RQS indicates request special command as opposed to environment (*ENV), or global (*ALL), or checkout
(*CHK) special command
4. For Action field defines what phase in promotion request will run command

1. 1=Compile - command runs in compile phase
2. 2=Dist-Host - command runs in distribution phase on host system
3. 3=Dist-Rcvr - command runs in distribution phase on remote
4. 4=Move - command runs in move phase (host and/or remote)
5. 5=Move-Host - command runs during host move phase
6. 6=Checkout - command runs during check out phase

5. When to do field defines when within For Action phase command will run

1. 1=Before - command runs before For Action phase starts
2. 2=After-OK - command runs after For Action phase completes successfully
3. 3=After Fail - command runs after For Action phase fails

6. Sequence number field provides ability to sequence when special commands will occur when multiple commands entered

7. Command field holds the command to be executed

1. To execute commands for specific items on promotion request refer to IEXCRQSDTL command in "Implementer User Guide"

2. Commands must be located in library in target environment library list, or qualified

8. For more information or a complete list of substitution variables, see Implementer User Guide